"His images are strong and his composition is striking".
-- Ariadne Papagapitos, APERTURE
"Brecke has moved through more than 40 countries as a documenter, bearing witness to some of the greatest human travesties of our lifetime. His eye is uncanny and his photographs are human rather than sensational as if he had turned his lens away during the shocking height of grief, turning it back again to capture the daily reality of horror".
-- Silke Tudor, SF Weekly
"What drives him the most is his obsession with film combined with his passion for humanity is why he's been to places he has no passport stamp for".
-- Eve Simonson, Matador Traverse Magazine
"...Brecke has devised fake press passes to get into war zones and Senate chambers -- he was late for a Capitol Hill press conference with actor George Clooney because he was at Kinko's pasting up his press credentials".
--- Jesse Hamlin, San Francisco Chronicle
"Mark Brecke's passion, action and dedication to this issue inspires and humbles. Like so many great documentary photographers, he has put himself on the line to make others aware of the injustices around the world".
--- Andy Patrick, Former CEO VII Photo Agency
They Turned Our Desert Into Fire
Critical response
"...an intelligent, impassioned , well sculpted doc about the horrors of the Darfur genocide, Brecke, a war photographer lays out the facts, the why's, and the wherefores with clarity and fervor. It's a rough film to watch here and there, but impossible to turn away from".
--- Jeffrey Wells, Hollywood Elsewhere
"One of the Best Films I've seen all year".
--- Sara Carden, Producer, CNN International / Inside Africa
"It does a wonderful job exposing the horrific situation in Darfur in a new and interesting manner".
--- National Geographic Channel International
"A well-made film that effectively addresses the important issues at stake in Darfur".
--- Emerging Pictures